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Public relations in a sentence

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Sentence count:199+4Posted:2017-04-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: PRSimilar words: publicationinternational relationsrelationshipforeign relationsrelationcorrelationin relation topublic opinionMeaning: n. a promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution. 
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61 The function of public relations Public relations is the most flexible communication method available to management.
62 By choosing a career in advertising or public relations you will be in this complex and exciting business of communication.
63 Public relations for any of these operations is normally a year-round effort.
64 Many consultancies welcome work experience in a field unrelated to public relations.
65 He said the difficult decision had been made in the interest of his public relations business.
66 A public exhibition of your finds at a library or other public building is a very useful public relations exercise.
67 It might be considered an expensive reward for achieving a high standard and a costly method of public relations.
68 The project has been disastrous for the bank in terms of public relations,(sentence dictionary) and has divided Bank's own officials.
69 So that, as your specially commissioned public relations consultant, I could use their impact to full effect?
70 Many have their public relations function handled by an outside consultancy as well as by an internal public relations officer.
71 Brown has said that such a move could boost worker morale and improve public relations.
72 These skills and her vivacious and outgoing personality enabled her to work effectively and happily in public relations.
73 Miss Owada is thought to have held out for one concession: relatively open public relations.
74 The two December marches by right-wing women were important public relations exercises in support of hardliners in the government.
75 Public relations, a real growth service industry,[] is not far behind.
76 However, it was still fairly disconcerting to receive some information yesterday from a Newcastle public relations company.
77 Pro-active public relations is when you are helping to make a situation or event happen and are keeping ahead of things.
78 Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relationsGeorge Orwell 
79 She also enjoyed taking on occasional press and public relations assignments, and brings that experience to her present work.
80 There weren't all that many twenty-four-year-old graduates with the good fortune to run their own successful public relations business in London.
81 Of late, the preponderance of public relations firms have leveraged that influence against activists and proposed legislation that threaten big business.
82 The committee will concern itself with matters relating to administration, marketing, finance, playing, development, and public relations.
83 Attractively presented product information is also a good public relations vehicle, enhancing the image of the store in a general sense.
84 Marshall's skills and her outgoing personality made her very effective in her public relations jobs.
85 He has emphasised public relations to some effect: a single article in a national newspaper brought 1000 enquiries about Micromodeller.
86 Regionals use a lot of material originated by public relations, sometimes in the form in which it was sent.
87 When you learn how to search out and retrieve information you are in possession of a golden key to doing successful public relations.
88 In a major public relations push, Pillsbury boosted the prize this year to $ 1 million.
89 In some sense this is no more than a public relations exercise, albeit a difficult one.
90 The District Council undertook a public relations exercise to monitor developers' proposals which came in a series of stages.
More similar words: publicationinternational relationsrelationshipforeign relationsrelationcorrelationin relation topublic opinionpublic opinion pollpublic policypublicrepublicpubliclyin publicsublimationelationpublicizepublicisepublicityRepublicanrelaxationpublic goodpublic debtpublic toiletpublic workspublic officerevelationpublic sectorrepublicanismin the public eye
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